The Processing Panel provides the opportunity to enhance images during focus and acquisition by incorporating image-processing operations during or immediately after image Capture. The operations may be at frame rate for some Capture Devices, or may be applied as a sequential step for others. Some operations require multiple images to be acquired and combined before the result is displayed.
To select an Image Processing operation, first expand the Process Pane and then select the Operation Type. Rolling Average and Frame Integration are used for noise reduction. Use the image arithmetic functions like Shade Correction, Background Subtraction or Image Subtraction to remove artifacts from the incoming image. Clicking Capture1 will initiate image capture with the selected image processing operations applied.
Disable image processing
Rolling (or Temporal) Averaging works by first capturing a single live image, and then adding sequential live images to the original image weighted by a fraction of their intensity. The effect of this is to create a rolling average of the image coming from the capture device over time. More
A selected number of images are acquired and the accumulated image intensities are displayed. The number of images used (1 - 50) may be changed in the box on the right labeled Frames. More
Auto Integration is similar to Frame Integration in that a number of images are accumulated, but Auto Integrate will automatically stop when a value greater than the bit-depth of the capture device is detected. The number of frames is reported in the numerical value slot to indicate how many frames were used. If Auto Integrate is selected, each new image will be integrated on the basis of its image content. This may affect the accuracy of thresholding as set in the Identify Menu.
If the illumination source for an image presents a bright non-uniform background, as is typical in bright field microscopy, applying a correction for this shading may be helpful for producing an image better suited for measurements.
The Shade Correction algorithm calculates a correction image in which each pixel's value is a positive integer which, when added to the corresponding pixel in the shaded image, increases intensity value of darker pixels (presumably more shaded) by a greater amount than the intensities of lighter pixels (which are presumed to have been more strongly illuminated).
Corrected Image = (Original Image)/(Background Image) * (Mean value of all pixels in the arithmetic image) |
Note: For Image Correction or Arithmetic, the user must first choose a source or background image. The image may be the current image saved in a buffer or one previously saved to disk. To use the current image, make sure Processing is OFF, select Buffer, click Capture and then select Shade Correction, Background Subtraction or Image Subtraction. Use the same method when using an image from Disk.
Hint: Enable Processing ON for correction image when you would like to capture a correction image using Rolling Average or Frame Integration. When you are ready to capture the correction image, select Rolling Average and enter the number of frames, enable Processing ON for correction image and then click the Capture button to the right of Buffer. The captured averaged image is stored in the buffer and ready to use a correction image.
If the illumination source for an image presents a dark non-uniform background, as is typical in fluorescence microscopy, it may be necessary to apply an image background subtraction to produce an image suitable for measurement.
Typically used in fluorescence microscopy, a background subtraction can be used when the image presents a dark non-uniform background. To perform a background subtraction click Live, bring the sample into focus and then move the stage off of the sample so that only the background is visible. Next, follow the steps below, when finished move the stage to bring the sample into view and the background subtraction is applied.
Hint: HCImage remembers the capture settings from the previous session, if background subtraction was left enabled, Process ON will be displayed in the Camera Control panel. The display image may appear distorted or black.
Note: This is different from an Image Subtraction which scales the subtracted intensities between +127 to -127 into the range of 0 to 255, indicating loss or gain of intensity.
If it is necessary to measure the difference between two images, from two different time intervals, or an experiment versus a control, we may need to generate an image showing intensity loss or gain. Using Image Subtraction, an image of the first instant is stored in memory, and subsequent live images from the Capture Device are subtracted from it before the result is stored in the display. This technique can be used for full gray scale image alignment between images. More
Note: For Image Arithmetic, the user must first choose a source image. The image can be from Disk or the Current Image in the display. If the Current Image is chosen, it becomes the Buffered Image.
Split Image Registration is used in conjunction with the Optical Insights Dual View. The processed image in the display is split in two parts A & B. The left side displays (A - B) and the right side displays (A + B). This processing feature is not available in HCImage Live.